An Introduction….


Hi! I’m Jen, and I’m glad you have found your way here to explore … Clearing Spaces Within was founded to provide a space for people to seek information and support regarding all things energy and growth. That being said, of course I don’t hold all the answers, nor do the people I collaborate with. I do have knowledge and experience to answer or guide people through challenging experiences. I also have a personal code of ethics where we will refer individuals to people or organizations best suited to their needs.

The intent is to provide a place to seek information and guidance when they are experiencing symptoms that are concerning and/or are in a stagnant place and wanting to expand. I strive to offer access, support, and energetic awareness and balance to all who may be seeking it.

With over 30 years experience in the helping fields, I hold a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology, I am a Reiki Master, and a Quantum Harmonization Practitioner in the areas of Body (Level 1), Homes, buildings and lands, Energetics of Infinite Beings, and Balancing. I am trained in REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) along with other modalities, as speciality areas of counseling practice.

My empathy for this work in clearings and energy practices arises out of also having many questions I was afraid to ask, believed I may be “going crazy”; imagining things, making up grandiose or rational explanations in my mind to give a reason to my experiences. I spent a lot of time working to debunk my experiences, and close off myself to avoid these confusing interactions with entities or energies. Being empathic, I was greatly affected by my surroundings, and could “sense” feelings or events outside of myself. I could instinctually know the unsaid emotions or responses of others before they would happen. As my innate abilities grew (we all have them) things got “worse” in my mind or perception, and I would not express my concerns out of fear of judgement or rejection.

I have established this space to give people a place to reach out and ask questions without fear of judgement or rejection. You need not wait in confusion or fear to get information.

You belong here.

You are safe to reach out and share your story and get support. Whether its for clearings or expansion therapy, your query will be treated with respect and gratitude regardless of the outcome.

Sessions Information

  • Home and Personal Space Clearings

    My energy work “speciality” is in clearing spaces - locations, homes, offices, rooms, properties and in assisting to clear energy blockages and/or attachments with people or energy. What might indicate the need for a clearing? Your awareness is the best guide, however there are some signs/symptoms that individuals notice as well. Here are some of the ways that entity/energetic awareness shows up in our lives:

    ✨ Anxiety, from mild to panic attacks

    ✨ Depression, from mild/intermittent to the point of suicidal thoughts

    ✨ Sleep issues including nightmares or fear at night or of the dark

    ✨ Addiction/cravings for food, drink, drugs, smoke, porn, or even drama

    ✨ Headaches

    ✨ Mood swings

    ✨ Constant or unwanted inner dialogue

    ✨ Tiredness

    ✨ Fear or feeling not alone/watched

    ✨ Any and all physical issues (especially chronic/long-term and those mystery issues that come and go)

    ✨ Avoidance of crowds, certain places, buildings, etc

    There are many options when it comes to clearings and cord cuttings, and based on the best fit for you would be the method used. One of those methods is the Quantum Harmonization Homes, Buildings, and Land processes support the energies of places, spaces and inhabitants. These energies may be received through a Certified Quantum Harmonization HBL Practitioner. 

    These energies are subtle and gentle, while at the same time, powerful and transformative. Spaces and places can be cleared of unwanted energies and entities, while inviting the energies that you desire in the space. This provides a more peaceful, harmonious and abundant space for all involved.

  • REBT or Expansion Counseling

    As an REBT counselor, I seek to help my clients live happier, more fulfilling lives by changing their irrational beliefs into more rational, flexible thinking. My role is to actively listen, understand my client's struggles, and guide them towards realizing that while life is inevitable, “suffering” depends on how we interpret events.

    Rather than judging or blaming, I collaborate with my clients to uncover absolutist demands or rigid/limiting beliefs that lead to undesired or “negative” emotions. With empathy and respect, I help them challenge rigid rules they impose on themselves or others. My aim is to replace demandingness and global evaluations with preferences and situational assessments.

    Together we dispute illogical beliefs, using logic, evidence and pragmatism, while keeping an open, curious mindset. My goal is to help clients accept life's givens, tolerate discomfort, and focus on changing what is within their control. This frees them from self-downing, anxiety and frustration so they can pursue goals flexibly and fulfill their potential.

    When it comes to Expansion - that is focused on moving past your perceived stuck points that place seen or unseen barriers to limitless living. These approaches are based on your personal moral and soul purpose compass, and I aim to assist you in living to your truth, and expand beyond what is perceived as possible in your current situation.

  • Quantum Harmonization Sessions

    Quantum Harmonization sessions are only offered to clients that have received either Clearings or REBT counseling if or when they feel that would be a contribution to their journey or sustaining changes. The Quantum Harmonization Body Modalities, created by Alyssa Malehorn, include dynamic energy processes that support and facilitate expansion into greater awareness and healing. They address physical, spiritual, and emotional issues.

    You may receive these energies through a Certified Quantum Harmonization Body Practitioner.

    These energies are subtle and gentle, while at the same time, powerful and transformative. They are regulated by your body and soul, with your QH Body Practitioner in support. This insures that you’re receiving the most appropriate and beneficial healing energy for you at that specific time and space.

Change comes from within — and I’m here to help you access it.

Contact me

You Belong Here…